FSSAI food business operator involved in the Manufacturing and Sale of food products must obtain FSSAI (food safety and standards authority of India) registration or license. To more elaborate, any individual or a company that operates with food substances from farm to plate must obtain the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). food license. FSSAI Registration is different from FSSAI License. Who should have Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) registration or FSSAI license depending on the size and nature of the business, FBO should obtain the necessary registration or license FSSAI code is 14-digit registration or license number which is printed on all the food packages?
Basic FSSAI Registration is mandatory for the petty FBO. It is also called as the Basic FSSAI License. This registration is for those business whose turnover does not exceeds the limit of Rs. 12 lac per annum. The people who come under this head are almost the petty retailer or short-term stall holder.
State License Registration is mandatory for operators like Small to Medium-Sized Manufacturers, storage units, retailers, marketers, distributors etc. FSSAI State License is compulsory for the Food Business with Annual Turnover b/w Rs. 12 Lac - Rs. 20 Crore.
Central License Registration is compulsory for trader like medium to Large-sized manufacturers, Importers, 100% Export Oriented Units, large manufacturers, operators in the Central Government agencies, airports, seaports etc. are necessary to get a Central Food License. That is mandatory for the food business whose annual turnover is above Rs. 20 Crores in Case of trading or manufacturing or storage beyond certain limited as specified by the Indian laws.
Every Food Business Operator involved in the Manufacturing, Distribution and sale of must obtain turnover for FSSAI registration. Every FBO has a turnover less than 12 lakhs need to apply for registration.
Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) registration/License be based on the business turnover & Property. The Food business operator has to ascertain whether it has to make application for FSSAI license/Registration. According to upon the Turnover /Location, applicant premises are eligible for the License.
FSSAI Registration is start off by submitting application to food and safety Department. The applicant may apply for registration or license having a validity period from 1 to 5 years.
Once the application submitted, then the FSSAI Portal will generate an Application ID number. It has to be used as a reference and in all further correspondence the Application ID is used until the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) Registration or license is granted. Inspection of Food business operator Premises
FSSAI application authorities will a make inspection of the required the applicant to furnish any further information within 30 days of intimation. The food license may be issued instantly without any initial inspection, or the FSSAI may order for field inspection, on the case to case basis.
FSSAI Jurisdiction will examine the application and carry out food inspection at the place of FBO. This application can be accepted or it may be rejected by the Department of FSSAI. The licensing Jurisdiction has to take decision within 30 days.
The application is accepted, then the department will grant a registration certificate with the registration number and the photo of the candidate. Within 45-50 days of the application, the FSSAI registration or license will be provide. FBO must be display the FSSAI Registration certificate of the place of business during the business hours.
FSSAI stands for food safety and standards authority of India. This organization monitors and governs the food business in India. It is responsible for the registering and licensing of the food business in India.
Basic FSSAI Registration is mandatory for the petty food business operators. It is for the business whose turnover does not cross the limit of Rs. 12 lac per annum
Businesses having annual turnover above 20 crores can apply for FSSAI central license.
FSSAI state license is mandatory for the food Business with annual turnover between Rs. 12 Lac - Rs. 20 Cr.
FSSAI License certificate will be issued on the 61+ day of filing of completed application